
    How To Create A Facebook Page Username In 2022?


    The Facebook page username is the name that appears under the Facebook page name on your Facebook page. You want to make it freely as you don't get a Facebook page username when you make your FB page. You can also change FB page username in the future.

    At the point when you make the Facebook page username, it will assist your FB with paging to be all the more effectively linkable.

    How To Create A Facebook Page Username?
    It is truly simple to make a Facebook page client name, here are the means you need to go through:

    • Open your Facebook newsfeed, then, at that point, click on Pages on the left side
    • Pick the Facebook page you need to change the URL of.
    • On the highest point of the Facebook page's landing page, click on 'Make @username'
    • In this new spring-up window, you can add a Facebook username.
    • Then, at that point, click on 'Make Username'

    Assuming that your Facebook page username agrees with Facebook page username rules (see beneath) then, at that point, you have made your Facebook page username. On the off chance that you don't see it yet, revive the Facebook page. Presently you can utilize it to interface and short link your Facebook page and your Messenger page on Facebook and outside of Facebook too.

    How to Change Facebook Page Username?
    You have to be an administrator to change your Page's username. The following steps will tell you how to change Facebook Page username:

    1. Go to your news feed, click on pages in the left menu.
    2. Go to your Page.
    3. Now you can edit the info page.
    4. Click your present Page username.
    5. Enter a new username.
    6. On the off chance that the username is accessible and adheres to the rules for custom usernames, will show up.
    7. There isn't any sort of limitations on the Facebook page username change.

    See also -  https://educatorpages.com/site/Onlinegeeks/pages/how-do-i-fix-this-page-isn-t-eligible-to-have-a-username-issue?


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